As you know that recently coolpad India has launched its most popular device Coolpad Note 3,but there is no option on its coolshow application to download themes, fonts, ringtones, wallpapers etc. online.I have also shared an application(CP_CoolShow_2[1].apk),but that application don’t provide themes for this particular device, but shows themes in general. If we download and use themes for other devices having different resolutions then that will create problems. Even in some themes notification can’t be opened directly from notification panel. So, today I will discuss how to download themes for specific coolpad devices and how to use that.
First open web browser and open “”
Now copy this downloaded theme on “SD
card->Coolpad->coolshow->theme folder” for themes.
Now open coolshow app and apply the theme from local theme
options.For detailed process read this.
For video tutorial on how to download themes, lockscreen, wallpapers, fonts etc. for Coolpad phones Click here
For video tutorial on how to download themes, lockscreen, wallpapers, fonts etc. for Coolpad phones Click here