Now The question :
How to create a professional-looking resume?
You can create this by going to the website:
Now again one question arises:
What are the steps to build the resume from the above site?
Don't worry I will explain all the steps below. You can watch the YouTube video also for better understanding(YouTube Video Link)
1. Open a web browser and go to the Resume Builder Site created by me.
2. Click on select your image and upload your image.
3. Select Enter your email here. and delete it pressing backspace and type your email id there.
4. Similarly enter another contacts field viz: Enter your mobile no., Enter your address, Enter your Facebook ID, Enter your Whatsapp no.
5. If you don't want to enter any contacts field, leave that empty.
6. Below Contacts, there is EDIT TITLE, click on that and delete using backspace. Write down any skills you want to add. For example, TECHNICAL SKILLS.
7. Click on Edit content below EDIT TITLE(which is just edited in the previous step). Add your skill and change the slider value as per your requirement.
What 😞, there is only one field for adding content field 😕 . Ha Ha 😂, no need to worry. You can add as many as you need. Just hover your mouse over the content field and you can see plus(+) and minus(-) icons. You can add more content by pressing plus icon and deleting using the minus icon. So let's proceed further ✌.
8. Add more contents hovering mouse and clicking plus sign.
9. To add More main Titles, Hover over that and click on the plus icon.
10. In the hobbies section add as many hobbies as you want to apply the same method said above.
11. On the top right section add Your First Name and Last Name.
12. Add your specialization or tag line below your name.
13. Write a summary about yourself below About me:
14. Below PERSONAL INFORMATION add your name, nationality, etc adopting the same press explained in step 8.
15. Similarly add your educational details below EDUCATION
16. Similarly add EXPERIENCE, OTHER COURSE, and LANGUAGES fields.
17. Click on PRINT CV on top after completing all your information.
18. Take Print out.
Enjoy 👏